A School of Theology and Missions


Classes offered: Personal Finance, Spiritual Formation I, Gospels of Jesus Christ, Theology of the Eschatology, Church History I, Local Missions, Gifts of the Spirit.


Earn Your Certificate in the following areas: Minister/Elder/Evangelist, Biblical Studies, Mission, Worship Leader, Women's Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, Deacon/Deaconess. Deacon and Bible Studies Certificate Programs begin this fall!

About Us

Mission Statement

To educate and transform the character of people from all nations by equipping them with vocational, humanitarian, and spiritual knowledge to change the world.

Ethnos-noun:  a people group, tribe, nation, or multitude of individuals of the same nature. The human family. (We are a school for all nations, economic, social and racial groups).

Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” We are sent to the nations (ethnos) to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and improve the condition of the world.

Vision Statement

Preparing people to be catalysts for positive change to revolutionize the home, workplace, and marketplace spiritually and naturally for future generations.

About Ethnos College

Ethnos College is a religious educational institution whose primary focus is to educate, empower, and spiritually form people into the image of Christ. We believe in holistic education: equipping the whole person by transforming the mind, preparing them for real-world situations, and enlightening the spirit. Our combination of theological, missional, business, and everyday life skills education is unique and provides students with a well-rounded education in their field of study.  Ethnos College will train future professionals to be effective in ministry to work as clergy, bible teachers, ministry workers as well as in the market place. Ethnos will prepare students how to master the nuances of mission world relief groups and manage local and worldwide humanitarian organizations. Students will acquire skills such as how to effectively establish a nonprofit and operate nonprofit businesses such as food banks, medical clinics, pregnancy centers, homeless shelters etc. Ethnos is a place where high-quality, insightful, and affordable education can be obtained. Our goal is to build a school that is highly competitive, staffed with expert faculty, and filled with students who want to transform the world.

Ethnos College is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Ethnos College has received approval to operate a religious exempt nonaccredited college from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).
Ethnos College will seek to obtain accreditation in the future.

Ethnos four vital doctrinal statements:

  • The Bible is the infallible word of God
  • The Trinity - Father, Son & Holy Spirit
  • The rapture of the church
  • That salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone

Educational Goals:

  • To formulate the spirit of Christ in every student (spiritual formation).
  • To prepare the student for vocational church positions, enhance ministerial skills in the areas of theology, missions, pastoral leadership, and education.
  • To help the layperson understand biblical principles.
  • To prepare the student for local and global missions/nonprofit work.
  • To help every student comprehend an ecumenical worldview of the church.


Ethnos College Diversity and Global Awareness Statement

Ethnos College is a religious educational institution governed by a diverse group of Christians with a variety of backgrounds, interests, and cultures. Ethnos welcomes a diversity of students who seek to further their walk with God; sanctified by the Holy Spirit and marked by love for one another (Eph. 4:1-16). None of Ethnos College courses offered ascribe to politics, racism, or any other social agendas. Our goal is to glorify God through the gospel of Jesus Christ and to educate the minds of people to fulfill their God given purpose in the spirit of unity.  We believe this unity will allow us to fulfill the Great Commission according to Matthew 28:19; our passion is to change the lives of our students, our community, and our world.