A School of Theology and Missions


Classes offered: Personal Finance, Spiritual Formation I, Gospels of Jesus Christ, Theology of the Eschatology, Church History I, Local Missions, Gifts of the Spirit.


Earn Your Certificate in the following areas: Minister/Elder/Evangelist, Biblical Studies, Mission, Worship Leader, Women's Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, Deacon/Deaconess. Deacon and Bible Studies Certificate Programs begin this fall!

Statement of Faith


We believe in one God, self-existent in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe in God's infallible Word, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, being conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person who reveals Christ, both in a ministry to the world by restraining evil and by convicting of sin and enables believers to do Church ministry by indwelling, empowering, guiding, and teaching all Christians.

We believe that man was made in the image and likeness of God and by transgression incurred guilt before God, depravity of soul, and spiritual death.

We believe in the universal atonement Christ provided for all mankind and that they who do repent and believe on Him are justified and regenerated from the guilt and practice of sin.

We believe in entire sanctification as a definite crisis experience subsequent to regeneration. It is wrought on the basis of faith and consecration through the infilling of the Holy Spirit by which the believer is cleansed from all sin and to which the Spirit testifies.

We believe in the personal return of Christ who shall come with power and great glory to gather the Church to Himself, to establish His millennial kingdom, and to judge the quick and the dead.