A School of Theology and Missions


Classes offered: Personal Finance, Spiritual Formation I, Gospels of Jesus Christ, Theology of the Eschatology, Church History I, Local Missions, Gifts of the Spirit.


Earn Your Certificate in the following areas: Minister/Elder/Evangelist, Biblical Studies, Mission, Worship Leader, Women's Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, Deacon/Deaconess. Deacon and Bible Studies Certificate Programs begin this fall!

Admissions / Tuition

Scholarship Info

Ethnos College - Scholarship Policy

Students applying for scholarship will fill out an Ethnos College financial aid form detailing their finances.

Click here for the Ethnos College ONLINE scholarship application

Click here for the Ethnos College PDF/PRINTED scholarship application

First, the student must show a "demonstrated need" for financial aid.  Factors include family income, what year of school the student is in, how many people are in the student’s family, how many family members or siblings are in college in the household, if they are employed and using part of this income towards tuition, etc. We verify the (EFC) “Expected Family Contribution” and the (CoA) “Cost of Attendance”. If the (EFC) Expected Family Contribution does not meet the (CoA) Cost of Attendance, the committee recognizes the student is not able to meet the cost of tuition. 

Secondly, we ask the student to detail what steps they have already taken to pay for their education such as a 529 Savings Plan, loans, family amounts contributed by family members, etc. We ask them to explain the difficulties they are having in meeting their educational needs and to write 2-4 paragraphs why they need the scholarship and how it will benefit them. This gives the scholarship committee further information from which to understand their financial situation. 

Thirdly, we interview the student to measure their sincerity concerning their college career. We discuss goals, ambitions, and how they plan to use their degree after graduation. We discuss the nuances of college education, such as what is their present challenge in higher education. If they are a high school entering their first year of college we discuss expectations, challenges, and successes they had in high school. The goal is to ensure we support students who have a drive to finish college, also some of these students may need scholarships in the future.

Richard Leland Hendershot Scholarship - click here

Michael & Brenda Ewing Scholarship Fund - click here

Oak View National Bank Scholarship Fund - click here

Kortney Marie Telsee Scholarship Fund - click here

Bishop E.V. Reeves Scholarship Fund - click here

Cletis McLean Scholarship Fund - click here

The Marjorie and Ezora Brown Scholarship Fund - click here