About Ethnos College
Our Mission: To educate and transform the character of people from all nations by equipping them with vocational, humanitarian, and spiritual knowledge to change the world.
Learn MoreHermeneutics II, Systematic Theology II, Gospels of Jesus Christ, and Old Testament Prophets
Earn Your Certificate in the following areas: Minister/Elder/Evangelist, Biblical Studies, Mission, Worship Leader, Women's Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, & Deacon/Deaconess
Ethnos College is a religious educational institution whose primary focus is to educate, empower, and spiritually form people into the image of Christ.
We believe in holistic education, equipping the whole person by transforming the mind, preparing them for real-world situations, and enlightening the spirit.
Our Mission: To educate and transform the character of people from all nations by equipping them with vocational, humanitarian, and spiritual knowledge to change the world.
Learn MoreEthnos College’s goal is educate the next and present generation for the work of the ministry, which includes general, theological, mission and nonprofit academic education.
Learn MoreEthnos associate degrees are designed to teach students the basic fundamentals of Christianity, and also work to establish the foundation for undergraduate degrees for our students..
Learn MoreEthnos-noun: a people group, tribe, nation, or multitude of individuals of the same nature. The human family. (We are a school for all nations, economic, social and racial groups).
Ethnos College is a religious educational institution whose primary focus is to educate, empower, and spiritually form people into the image of Christ. We believe in holistic education: equipping the whole person by transforming the mind, preparing them for real-world situations, and enlightening the spirit. Our combination of theological, missional, business, and everyday life skills education is unique and provides students with a well-rounded education in their field of study. Ethnos College will train future professionals to be effective in ministry to work as clergy, bible teachers, ministry workers as well as in the market place.